Tag Archives: spirituality

Promising Pitfalls

What I’m about to tell you is flat-out ridiculous. If you’re an old subscriber, you might remember when I fell off my horse. If you’re a new subscriber, you might remember me mentioning an injury that forced me to slow down–I was referring to the horseback riding fall.

I mentioned that my husband and I receive these setbacks as a sign. We ask, “Why am I being forced to slow down? What have I been passing up?” Then, in my very last post, I caught myself going too hard again. And even though I tried to slow down, the ridiculous happened.

I went roller skating with my children this weekend and pulled my back. I didn’t fall, I simply stretched in an unbalanced manner. I’m typing this post on a heating pad with a herniated disc–I reactivated my horseback riding injury. Two days ago, I was practically immobile, but I’m fast improving and today I’m climbing the stairs with ease.

There’s no question about it this time, I’m being forced to slow down because I’ve been passing everything up. My sore back named my focus for the week: Study, Read, Write. And even though I’m experiencing the worst injury I’ve had to date, I’m practically giddy sitting here–getting goosebumps from the cozy warmth of the heating pad, hot coffee beside me–with books and my notebook piled around me.

My new question has become: why can’t I allow myself this type of leisure and stillness when I’m perfectly healthy? I need to rearrange my belief set: I am always enough. Whether I’m doing or not doing, my individuality is precious and magnificent. This is part of my lesson in growth. All the best ♥

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Filed under Coffee, Spirituality

New Year’s Focus

I really dig personal transformation and self-discovery, so I find myself going a bit haywire over New Year’s resolutions. I have a whole series of posts right below this one, talking about how I’m going to ease up on myself with a “do one thing at a time” motto, but in the first several days of the New Year–I’ve caught myself feeling overwhelmed by a daunting to-do list.

And that’s OK. It takes practice to change! You have to perform something for 3 weeks to create a habit, otherwise your brain reroutes you right back to your normal patterns. On day 3 of the New Year, I was so restless that I caught myself trying to plan a spontaneous trip–to anywhere exotic and expensive. That idea goes directly against at least 2 of my resolutions. But, you should’ve seen my to-do list at the time–what else was I going to do, but plan an escape?!

I named these first 7 days of the New Year, “The Week of Cleanse.” If the name would’ve matched my expectations, it could have been called: The Week of Cleanse, Scrub, De-Clutter, Organize, and Redecorate the House. By day three, I was exhausted (I’d cleaned only a few rooms as thoroughly as I’d planned) and grumpy. Also, when I feel that way, I begin to seek an insatiable amount of attention and recognition. 😀 It’s like I’m asking the world to please, tell me I’m doing enough. What can I say? Old habits are hard to break.

While my plan was to “cleanse” the entire house, plus my own mind, body, and spirit, I recognized the ridiculous expectations I had for myself (read: my husband told me I was being relentless and asking too much of any day’s time), and changed the to-do list. I decided to organize half the house (the upstairs), and that immediately felt better! Yes, organizing the whole house would make me feel good. Scheduling it all in five days makes me feel overwhelmed. Lesson learned!

Overall, it was a success. I tackled all of the bedrooms and upstairs closets, which is no small task, and I removed 10 garbage bags of trash and donations. Hello, better Feng Shui! I haven’t named next week, yet. I’m too busy chill-axin with the latest copy of O today. What’s your current focus?




Filed under Spirituality

Year in Review: Part 3

If you are also reflecting on 2010 and preparing for 2011, let me repeat the questions we’ve covered so far so that you may link up your blog or grab your journal:

  • How did I spend my time this year and how would I like to improve on that?
  • What am I feeling particularly grateful for and what would I like to see grow?
  • In the past year, how have I contributed to the person I want to be? In regard to that ideal, what has set me back? What has propelled me forward?
  • Where am I trying to force change, rather than go with the flow? What can I let go of?

My personal review has me thinking, alright, already! I get that I have a tendency to go overboard! I’ve realized that my daily feelings are typically love, gratitude . . . and a sense of being overwhelmed. The answers to the above questions are creating one solid New Year’s resolution: Ease up on your expectations of yourself.

Now that I think about the past year, I had a couple of illnesses and an injury that simply took me out where the only cure was bed-rest. My husband and I always question these types of setbacks. When one of us gets sick or hurt, we feel like we got benched from the game, but not as punishment. It’s more like, “I’m being asked to slow down, what have I been passing up?”

So, my first question in review is somewhat spontaneous based on that finding. Can you think of any time in the last year where a setback forced you to slow down?

Finally, the last question I asked myself in the review is, “What do I want to focus on in the New Year?” Mine is about growth. My goodness, just thinking the word “growth” makes my spirit expand as I’m sitting here. I feel as though I’ve been away from home for a long time (physically, I have), and this year is going to be about finding that sense of home wherever I may be.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve!! Together we will set an intention and resolutions for the New Year. Bring all the answers to your review questions!

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Filed under Spirituality

Spiritually Charged, Power Bead Bracelets and Jewelry at the Energy Shop!

Hellllloooo, little blog 🙂 it’s been awhile ♥ and we have some catching up to do.

Last year I published my book, The Rescue You Program, and when 2o1o hit I started this blog with full intentions of writing another. In fact, somewhere among my notebooks there’s one half of my next masterpiece written. I’ll soon be starting a search party for it.

It’s just that, you never know what life has in store for you. The Energy Shop came together for me, practically by itself, and it has taken over the second half of my year. I love that little shop, and I say thanks for the inspiration and talent to keep it running everyday. When I started, I bought a huge supply of white sage smudge sticks, thinking that was going to be the big seller. I figured, I love making jewelry, so I’ll list a few things with the smudge sticks–and maybe, just maybe, someone might buy some of my bracelets.

When all of the bracelets I listed sold out in the first week, I had to make more bracelets! And so it has developed and grown, and I have an amazing 800 and counting sales on Etsy with 100% positive feedback. I’m beyond ecstatic with my home-based business, and I still have a full supply of smudge sticks, if anybody’s interested 🙂

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated this blog, so today I’d like to feature a few of my favorite things from the shop.


Blue Chalcedony


Even after all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe Me.”

Look what happens with A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky. –Hafiz

This Blue Chalcedony Bracelet represents optimism and is said to bring acceptance of new situations. It opens the mind and improves perception. I love this bracelet for the New Year. Let’s Unleash the Possibilities in 2011!!


Colors of the 7 Chakras Bracelet


This Colors of the 7 Chakras Bracelet is a customer favorite.  For the Crown Chakra, I’ve used loving Alexandrite. For the 3rd Eye Chakra, spiritually-aware Amethyst. For the Throat Chakra, you have transformational Blue Agate and for the Heart Chakra, protective Green Jade. For the Solar Plexus I used joyful Yellow Topaz. For the Sacral Chakra, cleansing Amber. And finally, for the Base Chakra, I used passionate Red Jade. Combine these stones and these colors for a true alignment.


Gemstone Tree of Ambition


If you’re not into jewelry, you can use your Feng Shui 9-Square Bagua to position the gemstones in the ideal location of your home or office. This Tree of Ambition is made of Blue Goldstone, an uplifting motivator. And, if you haven’t noticed . . .

The Energy Shop is now organized by intention!  You can find all the items you’re looking for to Improve your Focus and Meditation, Honor your Spirituality and Faith, Channel Healing and Calming energies, Increase Love and Friendship in your Life, Enhance forces of Positivity and Protection, Maintain Health and Wellness, and/or Attract Wealth and Success.

Whatever your best intentions, I wish you a WoNdeRfuL Holiday Season and an abundance of good fortune for the New Year. Until next time, ♥

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Filed under Energy Shop, Gemstones, Real Housewives, Spirituality

Clutter Clearing, Soul Cleansing

Last month, I focused my entire being on being organized. Part of that process was taking care of unfinished business, those nagging little tasks that won’t do themselves, but will drain you of vital energy every time you think of them and how unfinished they remain. For example, I made dentist appointments (this was particularly easy because my dentist is so busy, we won’t actually have to go to any of those appointments for two months) and taking my dogs to the vet for a check-up and all of the over-priced prevention medicine they could suggest. I made budgets, scheduled exercise, planned meals, etc. I was trying to ensure my life was organized to help me produce the results I want.

I am currently focusing my being on being cleansed. I will do this for the entire month of March. What I’m noticing right now, is that you can cleanse almost every aspect of your life. For instance, what is consuming your mental energy? I asked myself that very question last night, and I’m being over-critical of past mistakes and over-analyzing recent events that made me quite uncomfortable. What am I doing, but creating more of the same with the constant frown or worry brow I wear? It’s time for me to turn back to my trusted and beloved Louise Hay. For positive affirmations and insight, nobody does it better! She’ll be in my ear all day as I readjust my thought process for brighter ideas and a fresh start.

I love working with my environment when I’m actively trying to raise my energetic vibration, so I’m cleansing that as well. I feel fortunate that this urge has fallen right in time with spring cleaning! As I’m scrubbing the corners of my home, clearing cobwebs, and moving unnecessary items from the house, I’m symbolically telling the universe “out with stale, used up energy and in with a fresh force.” It feels good, and it looks good too.

I’m cleansing my time consumption. If I’m not using my time to produce the results I want, then I try to be using my time to rest and rejuvenate myself, to play or laugh, to soak up fresh air, energizing sunlight, or my family’s love. I turn off the computer when I’m done working to avoid mindless clicking, and since I’m not much of a TV watcher, this does the trick. Without the computer to sit down to, I find that I’m sitting down less because I’m busy depositing more Life in my life.

What adds Life to your life?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

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Filed under Spirituality

Dealing with Betrayal

Maya Angelou is known to have said, “When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” This sentence of advice may sting after a betrayal. Or, it may provide a great reassurance.

Can you remember a relationship that ended badly? Any type of relationship will do well with this example, whether it be with a friend, relative, or lover. You can probably look back into your history with that person and remember the first time they said or did something that gave you pause, like a spiritual red flag. We’re all susceptible to these slips in judgement, this misalignment with people. Trial and error is how we find best friends, true loves, and kindred spirits.

However, sometimes you want something to be as you expected it so much, that you overlook spiritual red flag #1. And spiritual red flag #2. And of course, spiritual red flag #3, until you’re full blown involved in your latest dysfunctional relationship. Yes, we get better at recognizing spiritual red flags, but we don’t always get better at honoring their presence. Before you know it, you feel off-course and agitated and that dysfunctional relationship is feeling pretty comfortable and safe. You’ve passed all the spirtual red flags on the road, and now you’re facing glaring “WRONG WAY” signage. Hence the quote, “When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Then again, sometimes things are not so cut and dry, especially in dealing with betrayal. Betrayal can be a poisonous bite from a venemous person. Or, It can be a self-sabotaging act of discontent. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not out to help sweep wrongdoings under the rug. I like to think my job is to help good couples keep it together and help loving families remain intact. Sometimes, betrayal is not a revelation of a who a person is, as we so often see on talk show TV and tabloid articles. Instead, betrayal can be a misguided and uncharacteristic attempt to feel better.

The social rule for betrayal–especially in love relationships–is, “LEAVE!” You’re almost expected to do this or you’ll be seen as weak and dependent of the person who betrayed you. What if you know who a person really is, based on what they’ve shown you for the last decade or so? And what if it’s not harmful? What if the past is filled with spiritual green go flags? Would you be willing to leave a kindred spirit over social expectations?

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